What’s The Best Way To Get More Glutathione?
#1 – Solarplast®
A breakthrough enzymatically enhanced organic spinach extract developed by Deerland Enzymes, Solarplast contains readily available glutathione and all of its precursors for long-term production.
- Glutathione peroxidase and reductase - facilitates the reduction of glutathione to its active form
- Alpha lipoic acid - essential for aerobic metabolism, approved as a drug in Germany for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy
- Superoxide dismutase (SOD)- an important antioxidant defense in nearly all living cells
- Catalase - a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms which facilitates the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen, very important enzyme in protecting the cell from oxidative damage
- N-acetyl-L-cysteine - a precursor to glutathione that thins mucus in the lungs and treats liver toxicity (specifically acetaminophen overdose)
- Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) - a coenzyme associated with various proteins, involved with several enzymatic reactions in metabolism
- NADPH - a cofactor used in anabolic reactions, used by all forms of cellular life
- ATP - provides energy for cellular processes, known as the “molecular unit of currency”
I’ve never seen a nutritional product that offered all of this.
In my research, Solarplast® seems to be the best way to deliver readily available glutathione throughout your body.
Better yet, it appears to amplify your body’s capacity to make significantly more glutathione which leads to exponentially greater long-term antioxidant benefits! Solarplast® is amazing because it’s the best way to get glutathione AND it’s the best way to support your body’s natural glutathione production. Solarplast® is also way more cost effective than other alternatives which we’ll touch on later.
We cut to the chase with #1 so here’s the rest of the ultimate breakdown of the top 5 nutritional and dietary ways to increase levels of the “master antioxidant”…
#5 – Broccoli (sulphoraphane)
How can something as innocuous as broccoli increase glutathione levels?
Broccoli contains a powerful substance called sulphoraphane that activates the NRF2 gene. When this gene is activated, it increases your body’s natural production of glutathione. Sulphoraphane remains bioavailable even when isolated from broccoli. Promising studies on this nutrient exist and are ongoing for treatment of cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
#4 – Intravenous/Inhaled Glutathione
While promising, IV glutathione is going to involve professional healthcare and it has its challenges.
It’s a super expensive treatment (even on a “treatment plan,” each session costs $150-$400) and with a “half-life” of only two minutes or so, its only effective for a short period of time. This means that IV glutathione must be administered several times a day or even as a continuous drip. Inhaled glutathione has specific applications for respiratory issues including asthma and complications from HIV/AIDS. It too has a short time of benefit, but has effectiveness because of its direct contact with the affected lung tissue.
#3 – NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
An enhanced form of cysteine which is the most difficult of the three glutathione building blocks to procure in your diet.
NAC is a powerful precursor to glutathione that is actually used as a drug to treat lung disease and acetaminophen overdose. NAC also has a strong history of research for the treatment of cancer – promising anti-carcinogen and anti-tumor effects, negates the harmful side effects of chemotherapy and radiation – and HIV/AIDS as those patients have extreme glutathione deficiency. However, it has its drawbacks: NAC can be toxic at higher doses, including the therapeutic doses sometimes needed, and it has a short half-life.
#2 – Undenatured (bioactive) Whey
This form of clean, minimally processed dairy protein can be difficult to procure, but it contains potent glutathione precursors including lactoferrin, beta-lactal-bumin, and serum albumin.
These precursors are fragile and easily destroyed by pasteurization, homogenization, and churning. “Bioactive” whey is carefully prepared using the lowest level of heat treatment of milk compatible with safety standards in order to preserve these precursors. This type of whey protein is backed up by impressive clinical trials and is an ideal way to raise and sustain glutathione levels. Undenatured whey is my favorite dietary way to increase glutathione levels. The only drawback is that it isn’t suitable for those with severe dairy allergies. However, individuals with mild lactose intolerance should be fine since the processing method removes most of the milk sugar.
For further reading, I recommend:
The Comprehensive Guide To Glutathione by Jimmy Gutman MD, FACEP
The Glutathione Revolution by Nayan Patel, PharmD
The Glutathione Book by Dan Purser MD